Friday, May 6, 2011

F Word

Failure. What is it really? I've been talking to a lot of people lately about failure and how they define it. 2011 has not been good to a lot of people I know. Can you really say that you failed at something if you at least tried it? If you try something and it's not a good fit, or you weren't given the right tools, is it a failure? Is it on you? Should you feel bad because it didn't work out? How do you define it? Maybe failure is not trying at all.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Stand Your Ground

Today is all about boundaries. It's healthy to push them, but it's also healthy to stand by them. The trick is knowing when to push and when to stand your ground. Get comfortable where your boundaries are located on certain people, places, experiences and things. It's OK to have absolutely no interest in jumping out of a plane, but the thought of one day traveling to a foreign country by yourself terrifies and thrills you. On the other hand, maybe you have always wanted to join Toastmasters or learn how to drive motorcycle. That's the wonderful thing about boundaries. They are yours to create, mold, stretch and hold.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Thinking back.

Nostalgia- It's a strange phenomenon.
It always seems like we remember only the good or only the bad. We pick and choose our memories, as if we are picking out a new pair of shoes. If I'm feeling particularly happy, I might choose the bright yellow shoes and only remember the fond times. If I'm feeling upset, I may only remember the hard times. What situations or people on your life deserve a fair assessment? What things have you unknowingly (or knowingly) tipped the scales on? Try to bring that teeter-totter back into balance. Give your life a fair assessment.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Try, try again.

Todays post is about resilience. In times of frustration, anger, fear, stress and exhaustion, how do you act? Do you retreat? Stand your ground? Take a backseat approach? Although there isn't one correct answer, there are times in which each action is appropriate. I will bounce back when things gets me down and I will come back with even more energy. I am resilience.  Take a second to think about anything that may be dragging you down today.  What is the best way that you can approach it? Should you try a different tactic? Switch it up; if something isn't working, try approaching it a different way.  Turn your world upside down and suddenly, things may look upright.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Balancing Act

Today is about balance. My life has been crazy lately, but I find it strangely odd that I still feel like it's in balance. When your doing what you love, it doesn't fully count as "work," in the traditional sense. How balanced is your life? Do you feel like you need more or less if something? How can you make this happen? Think outside the box. As I write this, I'm on public transit, on my way to my day job. Tip the scales in your favor and make your life a delicate balance.

Thursday, January 13, 2011


Commitment. That word can mean many things to different people. Commit to the moment. Commit until death. Commit until you succeed. Commit until something better comes along. Maybe it's the new years resolution bug, but I find myself committing to me this year. I have committed to myself that I will go after my dreams, dream big, push myself, try new things, and do everything I can to make writing and creativity my top priority. What are you commuting to these days? Or maybe not commuting to? What would you like to commit yourself to? Who is commuted to you? A family member? A loved one? Maybe even a pet? Commitments are a powerful way to set an intention.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Bleh, Meh, Ugh and Boo.

I'm having one of those days.  You know the ones; the days that aren't exactly bad, but they aren't great either.  They are the equivalent of low fat ice cream.  Not completely bad, but missing something and certainly not what I had hoped. Everything is just kind of bleh....for lack of a better word.

I think I get this way when I'm not being as productive as I'd like (even though my last post was about being easier on myself!) I try to play music, go for a walk, get into cleaning mode, yet nothing pushes me out of it.  I know I'm not the only person out there that gets in these situations; I'd like to blame it on the weather, but today was an absolutely gorgeous day.  What do you do to get yourself unstuck? Maybe its OK to have a day here and there that is just not that special.  Do you even try to get unstuck? Does it mean that something is bothering you? Is it becuase you're bored? Scared? Tired?

One thing that always pulls me out of any mood is a really great laugh.  The kind that you can't repress.  There are a few things that can really make me laugh and I keep them close by, in case of emergency.  One of my favourites is a 90s TV show that may involve home videos. Yes, I'm talking about Americas Funniest Home Videos.  Suddenly, I'm 10 again and watching it with my sister until our stomachs hurt from laughing.